The "Skimmer" is 35 years old and some of the teak is original and just worn out. I have sanded it down so many times that three quarter inch wood is now less than one half inch. I decided it was time to get some replacement parts so I searched for a craftsman that could duplicate my teak pieces.
I found the right guy. His name is Jim Campbell and he is in Columbia, South Carolina. His website is and he is a real expert with building wood or starboard components.
I ordered the front hatch and two fish box covers from Jim and he shipped them to me in three weeks. They are made of Burmese teak and are beautiful and the price was very affordable.
I would recommend Jim to anyone that needs teak replacement parts for their boat.
If you visit his website you will find all the contact information you will need. I have included some photos of Rich Santos and I finishing the pieces starting with filling the grooves with black rubber for the classic teak look. We will then give them a bunch of coats of Cetol Marine and Sikkens for the glossy look.