Here is the crew with a 28 pound fish for the table.
We had a bunch of misses but that is the way it goes. The bluefish are relentless and tearing up all the good live bait.
Bunker schools were sparse today and it was tough getting bait and tougher getting into fish.
The weather was great and we enjoyed an excellent day on the water.
P.S. Today, believe it or not, I saw school bluefin tuna south of the head buoy in 50 feet of water. This was confirmed by another buddy who said 30 to 50 pound bluefin were busting water from south of the Fire Island Lighthouse to the Hilton Castle wreck. They are probably just moving through but it looks like we might have a good inshore bluefin bite this season. Get out the jigging sticks and tuna popping gear and give it a go. Be ready for it because if you are not you will miss a great opportunity. I will have my tuna gear on board from here on.
Captain Al Lorenzetti