I fished today with Marty Ferris. Me and Marty go back a long way. Marty used to fish with me 25 years ago and we had some great times fishing offshore on the "Skimmer" beating up on the tuna back then.
Marty has a 23 Mako just like the "Skimmer" and he has trailered his boat for many years. He launches on Moriches Seatuck cove and it is only a short ride to the inlet.
We headed out to the Coimbra grounds for some tuna and had a great time. We had a Mahi and small bluefin on the troll and then jigged two bluefin of about 50 pounds keeping one for the table.

It was a great day and fun to fish with Marty again. I am sure we will fish together again.
Captain Al Lorenzetti