We foamed the tank into place with 4 pound foam from U.S. Composites. This foam is hard as a rock and will not absorb water. It is locked into place and we are now ready to install the coffin cover. Pete Johnston will do that tomorrow and seal the seam with cabosil filler. We will counter sink the coffin screws and also seal them with epoxy so that no water can enter the tank area.

Here is Carlos working his butt off scraping the bottom of the boat by hand. This is the only way that all old paint can be removed without damaging the gel coat finish. He uses a hand scraper to remove old layers of paint and then sands with 80 grit to get it down to the gel coat with no voids.

This is the business end of the tank all organized to be within the opening of the inspection hatch of the tank coffin cover. Fill pipe, pick up tube opening, sender opening and vent pipe left to right. All connections will be made with top quality components. Tomorrow I will install the vent and fill hoses and sender. I will complete the pick up plumbing when the boat is back from painting.

Today we installed the new gas tank. It was a big job but we got it done. The new tank made by Phil at Alloy Welding fit like a glove. It is 115 gallons and powder coated. Here it is nestled into the coffin and screwed into place waiting for the foam bedding.
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