Additional Photos from weekend of 1/6-8/2012
Rich Santos and Scout waiting on the first flight of birds of the day.
Rich Santos and Scout waiting on the first flight of birds of the day.

Back at the Hacienda Scout eagerly searching for ducks.

I mentioned PJ doing the heavy lifting. When you don't have waders on and want to get to the beach with dry feet this is the way it is done. PJ gives you a pony ride. Rich Santos getting a lift.

The afternoon hunt.

PJ and Scout ready for an incoming duck.

Weekend of 1/6-8/2012
A good crew of Pete Johnston, his son PJ and his dog Scout, Rich Santos, Jim Conte and Captain Al hooked up for a couple of days on an Island in the Great South Bay for some duck hunting.
Scout is a great dog and we really enjoyed seeing her retrieve the birds.
A good crew of Pete Johnston, his son PJ and his dog Scout, Rich Santos, Jim Conte and Captain Al hooked up for a couple of days on an Island in the Great South Bay for some duck hunting.
Scout is a great dog and we really enjoyed seeing her retrieve the birds.

She is always attentive and just loves to hunt.

Pete Johnston is a great guy. Always fun and a true sportsman. He can cook with the best of them and the food is always the highlight of out hunting trips.

Pete and his son PJ. Pj does a lot of the heavy lifting these days as we are all getting a little older. He doesn't mind doing the hard work and is always fun to be with. He is a chip off the old block of his dad.

Jim Conte leaves no stone unturned. When hunting is slow he finds other ways to entertain himself such as treasure hunting. His big find was a buried pipe.

Jimmy in hunting mode.

Captain Al in hunting mode

PJ and Captain Al

Some of the local wildlife. Here is a nice 6 point buck feeding on the new grass shoots. He had two does with him and they all looked very healthy.

Very unusual in broad daylight but we were able to get close to a red fox that was sunning himself on the beach. It didn't seem to mind us very much. It strolled down the beach as we followed in a boat and then kind of looked at us as if to say i'm tired of you and then walked into the brush.
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